2001 WPVGA
- Response of Russet Burbank to Supplemental Calcium Applications During 1999 and 2009 Seasons Brusing, Yield
- Response of Potato Cultivars (Atlantic, Norland, Snowden and Superior) to Supplemental Calcium Nitrate Applications During 1999 and 2000 Seasons
- Potato Weed Management Hancock 2000 Larry K Binning, Bruce A Michaelis and Robert L Hughes
- Potato Nitrogen Uptake and Growth, Fengming Yuan and Bill Bland
- Potato Herbicide Evaluation Spooner 2000, LK Binning, MG Bertram, BA Michaelis, RL Hughes, RA Rittmeyer, DJ Heider, WG Schmidt, SP Conley
- Potato Herbicide Evaluation Arlington 2000, LK Binning, BA Michaelis, RL Hughes, RA Rittmeyer, DJ Heider, WG Schmitt
- Potato Disease Management One Step Forward and Two Steps Back W.R. Stevenson
- Nitrate Leaching Under Different N Rates and Surfactants and Potato Yield Teri Nehls, Francisco Arriaga, Keith A Kelling, and Birl Lowery
- New Approaches to White Mold Control, Walter R Stevenson
- Managing the Major Insects of Potato with Registered and Experimental Insecticides Jeff Wyman, Carlos Granadino, Scott Chapman and Jerry Longridge
- Managing Leaf Blights on Carrots WR Stevenson, RV James, and RE Rand
- Y2K Update on Nonconventional Additives on Potatoes KA Kelling and PE Speth
- WWF WPVGA UW Collaboration Update The Wisconsin Ecopotato Standards Deana Sexson
- Volunteer Potato Control in Field Corn Arlington 2000, LK Binning, BA Michaelis, RL Hughes, RA Rittmeyer, DJ Heider and WG Schmidt
- Vine Desiccation – 2000, Larry K Binning, Bruce A Michaelis and Robert L Hughes
- Use of Manure in Potato Production KA Kelling and MA Dawson
- The Use of Reduced Tillage for Wind Erosion Control and Its Effect on Potato Production Paul Krause
- Summary of the Wisconsin Potato Breeding Program in 2000, Jiming Jiang and Horia Groza
- Spacial and Temporal Distribution of Root Lesion Nematodes, GD Morgan, LK Binning, AE MacGuidwin, TR Connell and WG Schmitt
- Searching for Late Blight Resistance Results from Wisconsin and Mexico, JP Helgeson, GT Haberlach, RV James and WR Stevenson
- Results of Tast Aversion Trials for Cranes Jeb Barzen
- Row Spacing and Fertility Affect Russet Burbank, Dark Red Norland, and Snowden Yield, Shawn P Conley, Larry K Binnings, and Keith A Kelling
- Controlling Pests in Vegetable Production, Brian R Flood
- Controlling Common Rust in Sweet Corn, Jerald Pataky
- Breaking the Late Blight Cycle in a Seed Production Environment, WR Stevenson
- Benefits and Costs of Lowering Toxicity in Potato Pest Control , Jeff Wyman, Carlos Granadino and Scott Chapman
- 2001 Potato Plant Back Restrictions Following Application of a Registered Field Corn or Soybean Herbicide, Lk Binning BA Michaelis, and RL Hughes
- 2000 Potato Weed Control Research Conducted by LK Binning, BA Michaelis, RL Hughes and RA Rittmeyer
- 2000 Potato Variety and Advanced Selection Evaluation Trial, Charles J Kostichka
- Looking at New Chemistries for Processing Crop Week Management, Larry K Binning, Bruce A Michaelis, Timothy L Trower and Chris M Boerboom
- Fungicide Nitrogen Interaction in Russet Burbank Potato Carl J. Rosen and Jeff S. Miller
- Field Comparisons of Low-risk and Conventional Insect Management Programs on Russet Burbank Potatoes, Coloma, WI 2000, Scott Chapman and Jeff Wyman
- Feasibility of Cooperative Processing of Diverse Waste Streams in Wisconsins Fox River Valley, Leslie Cooperband, Phillip Wells and Greg Lawless
- Evaluation of Alternative Weed Management Systems in Potato, Becky B Gleichner and Larry K Binning
- Embedded Stones in Chipping Potatoes, Jeb B Colquhoun and Larry K Binning
- Crop Protectants and Effects on Nitrogen Needs K.A. Kelling, P.E. Speth, D. R. Rouse, and W.R. Stevenson Cover Crops in Potato Production, A MacGuidwin, A Reid Rice, I Saeed, D Sexson, J Wyman and T Connell
- Copy of Field Comparisons of Low-risk and Conventional Insect Management Programs on Russet Burbank Potatoes, Coloma, WI 2000, Scott Chapman and Jeff Wyman