1999 WPVGA
- Volunteer Potato Control in Field Corn Jed B Colquhoun and Larry K Binning
- Use of Surfacant to Alleviate Dry Zones in Potato Hills and Decrease Nitrate Leaching Eric Cooley and Birl Lowery
- The Role of Fall Cover Crops in Potato Production A MacGuidwin I Saeed T connell J Wyman and D Sexson
- The Results of Crane Research in Corn Fields and Laboratory Studies During 1998 Su Liying Jeb Barzen Jim Harris and Tammy Miller
- WWF_WPVGA Collaboration for Pesticide Risk Reduction
- Wants and Needs of the Processor Kerry Larson
- The Interaction of Extended or High Rates of Calcium or Potassium on Magnesium Needs of Wisconsin Potatoes Keith A Kelling and Phillip E Cpeth
- The Alfalfa Marketing Initiative William Ebert
- Sensitivity Analysis of the Wisdom Fungicide Application Model Bill Bland and Paul Kaarakka
- Role of Carbon on Reducing Nitrate Leaching Under Potato and Corn Birl Lowery Jim Richmond Ronald Hartwig Eric Cooley and Fred Madison
- WWF_WPVGA Collaboration for Pesticide Risk Reduction Wants and Needs of the Processor Kerry Larson
- Volunteer Potato Control in Field Corn Jed B Colquhoun and Larry K Binning
- Use of Surfacant to Alleviate Dry Zones in Potato Hills and Decrease Nitrate Leaching Eric Cooley and Birl Lowery
- The Role of Fall Cover Crops in Potato Production A MacGuidwin I Saeed T connell J Wyman and D Sexson
- The Results of Crane Research in Corn Fields and Laboratory Studies During 1998 Su Liying Jeb Barzen Jim Harris and Tammy Miller
- Sensitivity Analysis of the Wisdom Fungicide Application Model Bill Bland and Paul Kaarakka
- Role of Carbon on Reducing Nitrate Leaching Under Potato and Corn Birl Lowery Jim Richmond Ronald Hartwig Eric Cooley and Fred Madison
- Raising Seed Tuber Calcium May Impact Its Quality and Performance Christopher C Gunter and Jiwan P Palta
- Progress On Obtaining Late Blight Resistant Varieties JP Helgeson GT Haberlach RV James and WR Stevenson
- Progress in the Wisconsin Potato Breeding Program Jiming Jiang Horia Groza and Bryan Bowen
- Predicting Nitrogen Leaching and Crop Accumulation in Potato Bill Bland and Seth Wilner
- Precision Agriculture in Potato Production GD Morgan TR Connell AE MacGuidwin WG Schmitt
- Prebreeding with New Sources of Resistance to Colorado Potato Beetle and Late Blight Robert E Hanneman Jr and Miguel Ramon
- WWF_WPVGA Collaboration for Pesticide Risk Reduction
- Wants and Needs of the Processor Kerry Larson
- Volunteer Potato Control in Field Corn Jed B Colquhoun and Larry K Binning
- Use of Surfacant to Alleviate Dry Zones in Potato Hills and Decrease Nitrate Leaching Eric Cooley and Birl Lowery
- The Role of Fall Cover Crops in Potato Production A MacGuidwin I Saeed T connell J Wyman and D Sexson
- The Results of Crane Research in Corn Fields and Laboratory Studies During 1998 Su Liying Jeb Barzen Jim Harris and Tammy Miller
- The Interaction of Extended or High Rates of Calcium or Potassium on Magnesium Needs of Wisconsin Potatoes Keith A Kelling and Phillip E Cpeth
- The Alfalfa Marketing Initiative William Ebert
- Insurance A New Late Blight Management Tool for Potato Growers Thomas A Green
- Influence of Nitrogen Concentration on Tuber Set and Development KA Kelling RF Hensler and PE Speth
- Impact of Raw and COmposted Paper Mill Sludge on Disease Incidence in a Sandy Soil Vegetable Rotation First Year Results AG Stone
- Erosion Control in Potato Production Using Reduced Tillage Paul Krause
- Area Wide Pest Management Using GIS and GPS Systems Deana L Sexson Carlos A Granadino and Jeffrey A Wyman
- 1999 Plant Back Restrictions Following Application of a Registered Field Corn or Soybean Herbicide LK Binning BA Michaelis and RL Hughes
- 1998 Potato Weed Control Research Conducted by LK Vinning BA Michaelis RL Hughes and RA Rittmeyer
- 1998 Potato Variety and Advanced Selection Evaluation Trial Charles J Kostichka
- Potato Vine Desiccation Evaluation Hancock LK Binning BA Michaelis RL Hughes RA Rittmeyer DJ Heider WG Schmitt C Kostichka G Humphrey G Staffeldt
- Potato Responses to ACA on Several Soils KA Kelling and PE Speth
- Potato Herbicide Evaluation Spooner LK Binning BA Michaelis RL Hughes RA Rittmeyer DJ Heider RE Rand
- Potato Herbicide Evaluation Hancock LK Binning BA Michaelis RL Hughes RA Rittmeyer DJ Heider WG Schmitt C Kostichka G Humphry G Staffeldt
- Potato Herbicide Evaluation Arlington LK Binning BA Michaelis RL Hughes RA Rittmeyer T Hon DJ Heider WG Schmitt
- Potato Herbicide Evaluation Antigo LK Vinning BA Michaelis RL Hughes RA Rittmeyer DJ Heider WG Schmitt S Zimmerman E Rose FA GIlson
- Paper Mill Sludge and COmpost Effedts on Soial Properties and Potato Production Leslie Cooperband
- Nitrogen Timing and Seed Density Interactions for Russet Burbank and NewLeaf Russet Burbank Timothy R Connell and William G Schmitt
- Nitrogen Rate and Seed Density Interactions with Several Potato Cultivars Timothy R Connell and William G Schmitt