1994 WPVGA
- Potato Herbicide Evaluation Spooner LK Binning BA Michaelis RL Hughes TR Connell RA Rittmeyer RE Rand
- Potato Herbicide Evaluation Palmyra LK Binning BA Michaelis RL Hughes RA Rittmeyer
- Potato Herbicide Evaluation Hancock LK Binning BA Michaelis RL Hughes TR Connell RA Rittmeyer T Hon C Kostichka
- Potato Herbicide Evaluation Arlington LK Binning BA Michaelis RL Hughes RA Rittmeyer TR Connell T Hon
- Potato Herbicide Evaluation Antigo LK Binning BA Michaelis RL Hughes TR Connell RA Rittmeyer S Zimmerman
- Planning Ahead for Improved Management of Foliar Diseases WR Stevenson
- New Possibilities for Resistance to Early Blight and Soft Rot JP Helgeson RV James and WR Stevenson
- The Wallendal Project Part 1 Rotation Research TR COnnell WR Stevenson LK Binning JA Wyman D Curwen KA Kelling DJ Heider
- The Late Blight Situation in the USA William Fry
- Seed Handling and Physiological Age Impacts on Seed Performance Mike Thornton Gale Kleinkoph Phil Nolte and Asunta Thompson Johns
- Relationships Between Aphids Potato Virus Y and Potato Varieties Important in Wisconsin Production LR Kabrick JA Wyman and TL German
- Reducing Seedpiece Decay WR Stevenson and RV James
- Potato Vine Desiccation Evaluation Hancock LK Binning BA Michaelis RL Hughes TR Connell RA Rittmeyer T Hon C Kostichka
- Potato Variety Trial Hancock LK Binning BA Michaelis RL Hughes TR Connell RA Rittmeyer T Hon C Kostichka
- Potato Nitrogen Management Lesson from 1993 KA Kelling and D Hero
- Feasibility of Using Microtubers in Seed Potato Production Peter Joyce
- Evaluation of Strategies for Improved Potato Disease Management WR Stevenson and RV James
- Evaluating PVY Resistant Transgenic Potatoes Thomas German
- Effectiveness of In Season Potash Applications KA Kelling D Hero and E Panique
- Cultural Practices for Newer Varieties David Curwen
- 1994 Potato Budget David Ankley
- 1993 Potato Weed COntrol Research Conducted By LK Binning BA Michaelis RL Hughes
- Multiple Tactics for Colorado Potato Beetle Management Jeff Wyman Steve Mroczkiewicz Phil Kaufman
- More About Pinkeye Doug Rouse
- Managing the Potato Planting Operation David Curwen
- Management of Aphids and Leafhoppers in North Central United States Edward Radcliffe
- Insulation and Vapor Barrier Material for Potato Storages FH Buelow
- Improving Potato Stands Seed Certification Issues RR Coltman and TL German
- ICM Computer Software of the Future Timothy Connell Jeffrey Wyman Larry Binning Walter Stevenson Keith Kelling Dave Curwen Paul Karraka George Rice and Roger Schmidt
- Groundwater Impacts of Potato and Vegetable Production George Kraft and Will Stites